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Start of Deepening Your Zazen series (UK/EU)

In Zen training, zazen is of the utmost importance. You cannot talk about Zen without zazen. We start with zazen, and we finish with zazen. That is the practice of Zen.

For zazen, first, we assume the correct posture; next, we focus on our breathing, and finally, we steady our mind. Once we arrange all three of these things, then we begin to practice zazen.

Andy Seizan Robins Roshi will be teaching a 6-week series to help you refine your zazen practice. The classes will be bi-weekly on Mondays from 8-9 pm UK time (9-10pm CET) on 28th June 2021 through 6th September 2021. The topic of each class is below. Participation in the class will allow for experiential and theoretical learning with adequate time for discussion and questions and answers. Ideally, students would try to attend each class in the series. The classes will not be recorded. To join, students should have received basic instruction in zazen and hara breathing.

Week One (June 28)- Adjusting our Posture

“The way for human beings is based on the act of correcting the form of one’s posture to that which it is meant to be.” Sato Tsuji

Week Two (July 12) - Adjusting our Breath

“My teacher, a Zen Master named Suimoken, could ring the temple bell from about nine feet away just by exhaling forcefully. He lived to a very great age in the Ryutan-ji (temple) district of Iyo.” Zen Master Yamamo to Genpo.

Week Three (July 26)- Adjusting our Mind

“The characters of writing sudoku-kan may be interpreted as the Way of (finding) true perception by means of counting the frequency of breaths.” Zen Master Omori Sogen

Week Four (Aug 9)- Needless Detours

"It would be useless to practice dead zazen - sitting absentmindedly." Master Suzuki Shosan

Week Five (Aug 23)- Moving Zazen

“If you know how to practice zazen without actually sitting,

What obstacles should there be,

Blocking the Way to Buddhahood?” Zen Master Shido Bunan

Week Six (Sept 6) - Zazen, Zazen, and Zazen Q & A

“Don’t pick up tea leaves, but practice zazen.

Don’t read sutras, but practice zazen.

Don’t clean the house, but practice zazen.

Don’t ride on horseback, but practice zazen.” Zen Master Ikkyu

June 28

Start of Deepening Your Zazen series (US)

July 10

Madison Dojo Work Day