Hexagrams, Take Two
Virtual Dojo Heather Meikyo Scobie Roshi Virtual Dojo Heather Meikyo Scobie Roshi

Hexagrams, Take Two

During spring keishin in April, we experimented for the second time with using hexagrams as a tool for intensive Zen training. We’re sharing some of the results to give you a flavor of our collective experience.

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We are All Zen Women
Virtual Dojo, Voices Rebecca Ryan Roshi Virtual Dojo, Voices Rebecca Ryan Roshi

We are All Zen Women

Like Zen women of thousands of years ago, we sat zazen after waking up in our own beds, before and after making our families’ meals and attending to our children and pets. Our training became our daily life and our daily life became a way of practice.

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Blast Off!
Virtual Dojo, Voices Heather Meikyo Scobie Roshi Virtual Dojo, Voices Heather Meikyo Scobie Roshi

Blast Off!

This online sesshin brought depth to my felt experience of the universe being freshly created moment by moment. With a meditation cushion, internet-enabled laptop, and the roof over my head, I created a dojo and a sangha, and they created me.

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